
2016年11月15日—IndividualministerialresponsibilityreferstotheconventionthataministerisresponsibletoParliamentfortheactionsoftheirdepartment.,Collectiveresponsibilityreferstoresponsibilitiesoforganizations,groupsandsocieties.Collectiveresponsibilityintheformofcollectivepunishment ...,Cabinetcollectiveresponsibilityisatraditioninparliamentarygovernmentsinwhichtheprimeministerisresponsibleforappo...

Collective responsibility

2016年11月15日 — Individual ministerial responsibility refers to the convention that a minister is responsible to Parliament for the actions of their department.

Collective responsibility

Collective responsibility refers to responsibilities of organizations, groups and societies. Collective responsibility in the form of collective punishment ...

Cabinet collective responsibility

Cabinet collective responsibility is a tradition in parliamentary governments in which the prime minister is responsible for appointing the cabinet ministers.

(1)集體責任制<br>(2)集體責任,collective responsibility,元照 ...

詞條. collective responsibility. 中文. (1)集體責任制 (2)集體責任. 解釋. (1)〈英〉 英國內閣實行的一項原則。根據這一原則,內閣成員對內閣所有的決定均承擔責任。

Collective Responsibility

由 M Smiley 著作 · 2005 · 被引用 182 次 — Collective responsibility is associated with a single, unified, moral agent. Shared responsibility is associated with individual moral agents ...


“Collective responsibility” Is considered as a factor that ensures that the ministers of the central government are held as accountable for consequences of ...

COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY definition and meaning

Collective actions, situations, or feelings involve or are shared by every member of a group of people.